It was allright, but the fat things are either invinsible oe WAY overpowered....
It was allright, but the fat things are either invinsible oe WAY overpowered....
Thanks for the feedback, I was adjusting the balance for a long time, but seems like it didn't turn out so well after all.
Didnt like it
Things to improve:
Make is so you can grab limbs
Modes and objectives
Better enviroment
differant music
Wow you dont like much do you?
Simple and Fun
Ha ha, Love it. So classic
Thank You!
Amazing! But with Gliches :(.
Allright. Im rating a 7. This is why:
Controls:10 "Lol 4 Controls!"
Comments: The glich i found was that every once in a while when your on fire, you will hit the top of something then go flying down, then flying up... your guy is incoroable, and after a while you will juct fly of the screen and it will say "You Lose!" If that dident happen, it would of been a faovrite.
Thanks for actually pointing out a flaw. Here's my justification:
Uncontrollable bouncing is an unavoidable result of the physics; if you release all controls, theoretically you will eventually slow down again. The same result can be obtained by well timed key presses. It has nothing to do with being on fire.
You eventually fly off the screen because you are moving so fast that your character completely clears all bounding objects in a single frame transition.
I could potentially have put in some kind of terminal velocity or dynamic friction, but I thought that particular phenomenon was actually quite amusing and may add a challenge to the game. ;P
Love it!
Amazing! Yet if freezes up sometimes.
It does? Please profile that bug, analyse it, and try vto tie-down what causes it. Then email me, and i iwll be very happy (as i'll be able to fix it)javascript:review_controller_55185 56.GetResponseController().Toggle();
Don't respond.
Love it!
I really like it! Its like your in rootbeer!
I'm glad you like it. You're in cola right now. I was planning on making different levels with different types of sodas like rootbeer, orange, and sprite.
THAT was the game??? I thought it was the loading screen!!! Pshh... 4/10
That isn't constructive criticism.
Hi. I Like making games. I made a animation!! Check it out!Anyway, I also like random things and overall im a funny person.
Joined on 10/30/07